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The Crisis Center
and Outreach
The Crisis Center offers specialized training, educational presentations, violence prevention initiatives, annual fund-raisers, and outreach booths to raise awareness of this very important social issue. We educate the community to have a better understanding of the personal tragedies involved, the resulting public impact, and the economic costs from the growing incidence of family violence and conflict.
Specific to the Crisis Center’s work with youth and prevention, we have partnered with Douglas County schools since 2012 for The Outrage, a dramatic, theatrical presentation performed by teens-for teens, which exposes the threats and realities of teen dating violence and sexual assault. This program is part of the curriculum for Douglas County 10th graders.
We invite you to view the performance below, as well as a short Q&A with two of the performers. If you are interested in scheduling a performance with your school, please reach out to us at
The performance:
The Q&A interviews:
(*NOTE: Content in the performance could be triggering. Please reach out to our 24-hour crisis line at 303-688-8484 if needed.)
Since 2012, the Crisis Center and Chaparral High School have delivered over 75 performances of “The Outrage,” reaching more than 12,000 students in 14 schools throughout Douglas County. The results are compelling: after seeing “The Outrage”, 94% of students surveyed reported that they are likely to take action if they question the safety and health of a teen relationship.
If you are interested in learning more about the Outrage or in implementing the program in your school, please contact the Crisis Center at or 303-688-1094.

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